GCA Medal Recipients: Elizabeth Craig Weaver Proctor Medal

2025 Millicent Pitts

For promoting global innovation in support of healthy oceans and a sustainable blue economy.

2023 Louie Schwartzberg

For his world-renowned work that changes the way we see nature.

2021 Cristián Samper, PhD

In recognition of his global influence on conservation biology, his relentless dedication to safeguarding biodiversity and his enduring appreciation for The Garden Club of America.

2020 J. Dean Norton

Given in honor of his dedication to exemplary preservation of historic landscapes and his commitment to sharing his horticulture expertise.

2019 Dr. Cary Fowler

For his visionary leadership role in creating Svalbard Global Seed Vault, thus safeguarding world seed crop diversity and providing food security for future generations.

2018 Save the Redwoods League

In recognition of 100 years of unwavering dedication to, and the protection and restoration of, ancient coast redwood and giant sequoia forests to ensure their survival forever.

2017 The Trustees of Reservations

In recognition of 125 years of preservation, stewardship, and conservation of historic and natural landscapes; and for educational conservation and preservation projects that inspire initiatives worldwide. 

2016 National Park Service

In appreciation for the first 100 years of leadership in preserving our natural and cultural resources for the enjoyment, education and inspiration of this and future generations.

2015 Trust for the National Mall

For its patriotic stewardship in the ongoing restoration of the National Mall, home of America’s history, heroes and hope to 25 million visitors annually.

2014 John H. Bryan

For his visionary civic leadership, dedication to historic preservation, commitment to the advancement of the arts and stewardship of built and natural landscapes.

2012 Dr. Wes Jackson

For his dedication and vision in helping to develop a perennial polyculture to benefit future generations and protect the health of our planet.

2010 Nathaniel Pryor Reed

Presented to Nathaniel Pryor Reed, In recognition of his lifelong commitment to conservation and preservation of our natural resources and his tireless efforts to promote environmental issues.

2009 The Newman Family & Newman's Own Foundation

Presented to The Newman Family and the Newman's Own Foundation.  In recognition of their vision and philanthropy which have made a profound and lasting impact on quality of life issues throughout the world.

2008 Philadelphia Green Program

Presented to the Philadelphia Green Program, sponsor of the largest urban greening project in the natiion, working to improve the quality of life for the six million residents of the region, it empowers citizens to integrate horticulture into the fabric of scores of communities, actively serving as a paradigm for cities acress the United States.

2007 Tom's of Maine

Presented to Kate and Tom Chappell, co founders of Tom's of Maine, a company based on values oriented approach to business, committed to high quality and environmentally sound products.  The company distributes 10% of all pre-tax profits to charitable causes.  They created a river conservation ethic in America, linking the Maine Chapter of the Nature Conservancy St. John River Project with other conservation groups and created a national marketing plan spurring the formation of scores of new watershed protection groups.

2007 Heifer International

Presented to Heifer International, Jo Luck accepting.  What began with Faith, Hope and Charity, in 1939 Indiana farmer Dan West, a volunteer relief worker handing out cups of powdered milk to orphans and refugees on both sides of the Spanish Civil War.  He had an idea:  give suffering families cows so they could produce their own milk and not have to rely on temporary aid.  From that simple idea the project grew and using livestock and training to alleviate hunger proved to be enormously successful.

2006 Lady Bird Johnson

Presented to Lady Bird Johnson, former First Lady, founder of the National Wildflower Research Center, a non profit environmental organization dedicated to the preservation and reestablishment of native plants in natural and planned landscapes.

2004 John Ruan

Presented to John Ruan in appreciation of his commitment to improving the quality, quantity, and availability of food for all people through the World Food Prize.