This Month in GCA History - February

A tradition of advocacy in action


February 19, 2019

Since the inception of the GCA in 1913, members have exerted their influence to help safeguard our environment. In the early 1970’s the GCA advocated for the environmental laws on Clean Air, Clean Water, Endangered Species and the National Environmental Policy Act all of which helped form the foundation of environmental protection in America.

It became apparent that personal contact with legislators in Washington, D.C. was critical and the National Affairs and Legislation Conference was created.

Since the 1970’s the delegate count has grown to 300 GCA members. They meet in Washington, DC in February each year and with members of Congress on Capitol Hill. In preparation for the Capitol Hill meetings, delegates attend conference sessions to be briefed on the GCA's Position Papers and by scientists, researchers, and experts from relevant federal agencies.

While the environmental landscape has changed over the years and the agendas varied, the strength of the GCA’s issues-based advocacy remains evident.



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