Testing Saves Kentucky Waterways

Glenview GC Partners with Salt River Watershed Watch


October 12, 2021

The Glenview Garden Club (GGC) in Louisville, Kentucky, has partnered with Salt River Watershed Watch to monitor the health of the Sinking Fork Creek, one of the many tributaries to Harrods Creek. From a designated spot on the creek behind Hermitage Farm, samples are taken on specific weekends in May, July and September. In addition to testing for pH, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, and temperature, samples are given to a commercial lab to test for bacteria. The testing kits and training are provided by Salt River Watershed Watch. GGC members also assess the extent of erosion along the creek banks as well as the biodiversity of the area. The healthier the flora and fauna, the healthier the water.

Salt River Watershed Watch is one of seven watershed groups that monitor streams, rivers, and lakes across Kentucky. Volunteers use test kits and collect bacteria samples three times each year. Stream biology and habitat are studied each June. Reports from the volunteers are the first line of defense on water quality. If there is an issue, it is referred to the state water department so that further investigation and steps to clean up the waterway can be initiated.  

Harrods Creek is a well-loved waterway that winds thirty-one miles through a wilderness area close to Louisville and is used extensively for kayaking and canoeing. Thanks to careful testing and monitoring, the creek was recently “delisted,” meaning the water quality has improved enough so that it can support aquatic life. Monitoring the many creeks and streams that flow into the creek will help ensure that it remains healthy. Having multiple monitoring spots ensures that areas of concern can be pinpointed.


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