Adirondack Garden Club Awards Ellen Lea Paine Memorial Grants
Eight individuals and organizations rewarded for their environmental efforts
November 02, 2022
The Adirondack Garden Club established the Ellen Lea Paine Memorial Nature Fund to give financial assistance to individuals and not-for-profit organizations that study, protect, and enjoy the natural environment within the Adirondack Park. Eight 2022 grants were awarded to a range of individuals and organizations that exemplified these goals.
Ellen Lee Paine, who passed away in 2005, was an avid gardener who took great pride in the gardens of her family properties. She was an outstanding member of the Adirondack Garden Club. The club’s purpose is the conservation of the plants, shrubs and trees native to the Adirondack region, and the making of both wild and cultivated gardens characteristic of the environment in which they are placed, the furthering of the cultivation of gardens throughout the Adirondack area, and the promotion of civic conservation and beautification.
The 2022 awardees include the Creative Kitchen Garden at Dacy Meadow Farm in Westport, NY which plans to expand their educational edible garden to include more pollinator-friendly and drought-tolerant plants.
Other awardees intend to educate children by purchasing garden-themed books for an elementary school, supporting another school’s honeybee program, creating a children’s garden for a pre-school and supporting a program that takes children on “night walks” to learn about nocturnal animals.
The Lake Placid Community Garden received funds to plant a pollinator garden and the Friends of Moody Pond will use their grant to produce an informational guide about the pond’s diverse inhabitants. The Adirondack Land Trust was also awarded funds to assist in the purchase of battery-powered equipment.
More information on the Adirondack Garden Club Ellen Lea Paine Memorial Nature Fund is available at