A Day at the Beach with GCA in the City San Francisco

The Perils of Sloopy, the Fur Seal


January 22, 2025

By: Lisa Dell'Osso

On a beautiful Autumn day in the Marin Headlands, 28 GCA in the City San Francisco  attendees sat by the shore enjoying a picnic, before heading to The Marine Mammal Center. The Marin Mammal Center is the world’s largest marine mammal center and hospital. Their focus is the northern coast of California and the Hawaiian Islands with a satellite hospital on Maui. Their efforts include seals, sea lions, elephant seals, sea otters, porpoise, dolphins, and whales. 
The tour met Sloopy, a distressed fur seal usually found in the deep ocean.   Sloopy (the name given on his first visit) was back for a second visit. His first rescue was due to his being separated from his mother too soon and thus was failing to thrive.  To recuperate, he was fed fish smoothies, taught to fish, and swallow said fish headfirst, and finally released! Whoops, not so fast.  In a matter of months, intrepid Sloopy was back with pneumonia.  More fish smoothie, antibiotics, and a little fishing on his own and six days after the visit with Sloopy he was released. Good luck Sloopy. GCA in the City San Francisco is rooting for you! 
GCA in the City had a busy fall in DC and New York, offering fun, educational and affordable events to young professionals. DC held a river trash clean-up along the banks of the Potomac, while New York hosted Oysterfest Pop-up with Billion Oyster Project and World’s Your Oyster and later offered mushroom foraging in Central Park with Aubrey Carter. Interested young friends can be invited to future events by emailing gcainthecity@gcamerica.org.



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