BotanyThe Joan K. Hunt and Rachel M. Hunt Summer Scholarship in Field Botany
Application deadline: February 1
To promote the importance of botany to horticulture by encouraging young students to study field botany in the US, and to offer an opportunity to gain knowledge and experience in the field beyond the regular course of study.
For undergraduate or graduate students.
Open to undergraduates and graduate students up to the master's degree level with preference given to undergraduate students. Open to U.S. Citizens and permanent residents who are currently and actively enrolled in a U.S.-based institution. Due to IRS restrictions, GCA is unable to fund awards for international applicants.
Provides $3500 annually to one student for summer study in the field. Study may be for credit or beyond the regular course of study. The specific course of study and the location are chosen by the student. Some suggested studies include:
- assisting a botanist with field studies
- assisting a botanist with plant inventories
- plant monitoring in a national forest
- internship on a special project in a botanical garden
Selection is by members of the GCA Scholarship Committee and may include additional members who have expertise in field botany. Note that the application for this scholarship and for the GCA Summer Scholarship in Field Botany are the same and will be considered together.
Following the death of his wife, Joan Hunt, Torrence Miller Hunt, Sr. decided to remember her with a donation to the GCA Scholarship Program. During her lifetime, Joan was a director from Zone V, an active member of the Garden Club of Allegheny County, and loved her association with her club and the GCA. Members of the GCAC agreed. It was decided that the scholarship would be named in honor of Joan K. Hunt and Rachel M. Hunt, beloved members of the Garden Club of Allegheny County and outstanding women of Pittsburgh. Rachel M. Hunt, the mother of Torrence M. Hunt, Sr., was a director of The Garden Club of America from 1934-1939, and a founding member and president of the Garden Club of Allegheny County. One half of the funding would come from the Garden Club of Allegheny County and the balance would come from Torrence M. Hunt, Sr. Funding was completed in January 2003 and the first Hunt Scholar was named that March.
To Apply
See application and information. Applications must be submitted electronically or sent by mail to be received at GCA Headquarters in New York City by February 1 preceding the summer of study.
Joan K. Hunt and Rachel M. Hunt Summer Scholarship in Field Botany Fund
The Garden Club of America, attn: Scholarship Applications, 14 East 60th Street, New York, NY 10022-1006. Phone: 212-753-8287 / email:
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