Landscape ArchitectureThe Moore Family Fellowship in The Making of the American Landscape
Application deadline: February 1
To promote, expand, enrich and develop the body of research in significant man-made changes to the American landscape since the country’s founding in 1776.
Graduate students pursuing advanced degrees.
Open to US citizens and permanent residents. Due to IRS restrictions, GCA is unable to fund awards for international applicants.
$5000 plus writing support. Funds from the fellowship are to enable the successful applicant to make site visits and avail themselves of other resources to bring the subject to life.
Selection is by the GCA Scholarship Committee, chaired by a Scholarship vice chair who may invite others to participate in selection who may, by virtue of their professional background, be a valuable resource to the committee.
The Moore Family, deeply involved with the Garden Club of America, American history and historic preservation, has endowed this fellowship to complement and expand GCA’s current offerings in landscape design from the “macro” level. Their intent is to deepen the understanding of the significant changes that have taken place since 1776, the diversity of people involved, and the wide ranging and ambitious efforts that came together to create the American landscape as we see it today. It is envisioned that the research papers presented by the fellows will increase appreciation of the current landscape, raising awareness of the innovative, forward thinking projects that have brought us to this place.The Moores understood that some of the projects were controversial when undertaken, or have since become controversial in the intervening years, but they expected each Fellow to approach the topics fairly and academically. The goal is to gain understanding and appreciation for the diversity, breadth and beauty of the American landscape.
To Apply
See application and instructions. Applications must be received at GCA Headquarters in New York City by February 1 preceding the period of study.
Applicants will propose a topic that demonstrates and illuminates a significant alteration of the American landscape. It may be approached from any of the following disciplines: historic preservation, architectural history, landscape architecture, infrastructure, history, American studies, civil engineering and environmental engineering, to name a few. It is important that the proposal addresses the individual characteristics of the people involved, whether they were leaders, craftsmen or manual laborers.
The successful applicant will develop a thesis into a monograph within one year of receipt of the fellowship, which will be added to a collection. Writing assistance by a professional will be provided to the fellow. Ultimately, the collection will be published.
The Garden Club of America, attn: Scholarship Applications, 14 East 60th Street, New York, NY 10022-1006. Phone: 212-753-8287 / email:
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