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GCA Scholarships Recipients

2022 Evan Glen Hockridge

The Garden Club of America Fellowship in Tropical Botany

Islands in the Forest: Spatiotemporal Patterns of Ecosystem Structure, Composition, and Function in Central African Forest Clearings​ 

Hockridge’s research in the Congo Basin seeks to understand the forest structure and biodiversity influences of baïs, unique nutrient-rich forest clearings that concentrate activity of large animal species and provide habitat to flora that could not survive in the rest of the forest landscape. Using remote sensing, soil nutrient analyses, camera traps, and other traditional fieldmethod tools, Hockridge will examine what factors contribute to the creation, maintenance, and vegetative diversity in and around Central Africa’s baïs.

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Scholarship Opportunities Abound

The Garden Club of America offers 29 merit-based scholarships and fellowships in 12 areas related to conservation, ecology, horticulture, and pollinator research. In 2023, over $405,000 were awarded to 86 scholars. Follow GCA Scholarships on Instagram for the latest news about pollinators, coastal wetlands, native bird habitats, and much more. Connect to a larger world of horticulture and conservation through Garden Club of America scholars. Browse the scholarship offerings.

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