Coastal Wetlands StudiesMatthew Sturchio
2020 The Garden Club of America Award in Coastal Wetlands Studies

Exploring Patterns of Thermal Acclimation of Leaf Respiration in a Marsh- Mangrove Ecotone
Matthew Sturchio is a master’s student in the Department of Biology at the University of North Florida. His research addresses how patterns of thermal acclimation in leaf respiration affect CO2 fluxes in coastal wetland ecosystems. Sturchio’s study sites are located at the marsh-mangrove ecotone of northeast Florida. This location provides a unique opportunity to examine temperature controls of carbon cycling processes along the tropical-subtropical transition zone of a coastal ecosystem. The focus of his thesis work is to improve the quantitative and predictive understanding of coastal carbon cycling responses to temperature, as well as potential feedback on climate warming.
The Garden Club of America Award in Coastal Wetlands Studies
To promote, expand and enrich the body of research concerning the coast by actively supporting graduate students in the field of coastal wetlands science.
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