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The Garden Club of America
Coastal Wetlands StudiesNora Hamovit
2020 The Garden Club of America Award in Coastal Wetlands Studies

The Garden Club of America Award in Coastal Wetlands Studies
To promote, expand and enrich the body of research concerning the coast by actively supporting graduate students in the field of coastal wetlands science.
Learn more See all recipientsDiscover more
Naya Jones
The Anne S. Chatham Fellowship in Medicinal Botany
On the Move: African-American Medicinal Ethnobotany and the Great Migration Naya Jones is...
Ella Thomas Vardeman
The Anne S. Chatham Fellowship in Medicinal Botany
Bioactivity and Chemotaxonomy of Plants Used by Haitian Immigrants for Women’s Health...
Sasha Nealand
The Anne S. Chatham Fellowship in Medicinal Botany
Anti-Mycobacterial Terpenoids of the California Native Plant Grindelia...
Alaina Krakowiak
The Garden Club of America Summer Scholarship in Field Botany
Population Genetic Structure and Phylogeography of Fremont’s Leather Flower ...
Sarah Brown
The Garden Club of America Summer Scholarship in Field Botany
Plant and Pollinator Communities of Shale Barren Sarah N. Brown is a master’s...
Valerie Martin
The Garden Club of America Summer Scholarship in Field Botany
Ecology of Cross-kingdom Interactions between Plants, Pollinators, and the Diverse...
Lillian Leak
The Joan K. Hunt and Rachel M. Hunt Summer Scholarship in Field Botany
Ecology and Evolution of Duckweed Lillian C. Leak is a senior biology major at the University...
Anna Sweeney
The Joan K. Hunt and Rachel M. Hunt Summer Scholarship in Field Botany
Restoration of Plant Biodiversity in Adirondack Northern Hardwood Forests through Mechanical...
Cameron Pierce
The Joan K. Hunt and Rachel M. Hunt Summer Scholarship in Field Botany
Floristic Checklist of Gilbert’s Corner Cameron Hugh Pierce is a recent graduate of...
Betsabé Castro-Escobar
The Garden Club of America Fellowship in Tropical Botany
On the Trail of the Calabash Trees: Ethnobotany, Domestication, Evolution, and Geography of...
Jessica Balerna
The Garden Club of America Award in Coastal Wetlands Studies
Understanding Relationships between Depressional Wetland Ecohydrological Condition and Water...
Matthew Sturchio
The Garden Club of America Award in Coastal Wetlands Studies
Exploring Patterns of Thermal Acclimation of Leaf Respiration in a Marsh- Mangrove Ecotone ...
Audrey Bowe
The Garden Club of America Fellowship in Ecological Restoration
Understanding the Impact of Invasive Jumping Worms on the Threatened American Hart’s-...
Claire Karban
The Garden Club of America Fellowship in Ecological Restoration
Using New Technologies to Maximize Plant Recruitment in Large Scale Dryland Restoration ...
Gabriel Runte
The Garden Club of America Fellowship in Ecological Restoration
The Influence of Plant-Fungal Symbioses on the Establishment Potential of Pseudotsuga...
Emily Tarsa
The Garden Club of America Fellowship in Ecological Restoration
Mechanisms Driving Seed-Based Wetland Restoration: Harnessing Regeneration Traits and...