Coastal Wetlands StudiesSamantha Rosa
2023 The Garden Club of America Award in Coastal Wetlands Studies

Migrating Mangroves: Exploring the Role of Pollinators and Floral Ecology in Mangrove Range Expansion
Focusing on mangrove range expansions into salt marsh ecosystems, Rosa will investigate pollinators’ biotic pull that contributes to a plant’s adaptation to climate change via migration. A comparative study of black mangrove reproductive ecology will be conducted along a latitudinal gradient on the east coast of Florida, from the species’ equatorial range core to its actively shifting range margin. Rosa’s studies will shed light on the global implications of mangrove migration and the importance of understanding the role of pollination when designing land management systems and refining conservation efforts.
The Garden Club of America Award in Coastal Wetlands Studies
To promote, expand and enrich the body of research concerning the coast by actively supporting graduate students in the field of coastal wetlands science.
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