GCA ScholarshipsMeet the GCA's Scholars
The Catherine H. Beattie Fellowship in Conservation Horticulture
GCA scholars work around the globe in their efforts to pursue and share knowledge. Explore their areas of interest using the directory and by reading the GCA’s annual publication, GCA Scholars Report.
Scholar Directory
Anna Wyngaarden
The Catherine H. Beattie Fellowship in Conservation Horticulture
Range-Wide Population Dynamics of the Federally Endangered Granite Outcrop Endemic,...
Zachary Maggard
The Catherine H. Beattie Fellowship in Conservation Horticulture
Microsatellite Development and Population Genetics of Harrisia aboriginum Maggard will...
Kate Loughran
The Catherine H. Beattie Fellowship in Conservation Horticulture
Secrets of the Swamp: Uncovering the Genetic Diversity of a Federally Threatened Wetland Species,...
Erin Eichenberger
The Catherine H. Beattie Fellowship in Conservation Horticulture
Investigating the Population Vital Rates and Pollinators of the Rare Southeastern Perennial...
Madeline Bednar
The Catherine H. Beattie Fellowship in Conservation Horticulture
Conservation Genetics of Sarracenia rubra ssp. gulfensis, a Petitioned Pitcher Plant of the...
Kira Lindelof
The Catherine H. Beattie Fellowship in Conservation Horticulture
Examining the Roles of Temperature, Precipitation, and Soil Type on the Growth of the Endangered...
Thomas Wiegand
The Catherine H. Beattie Fellowship in Conservation Horticulture
Measuring Growth Plasticity in Response to Light in Two Rare Asters Weigand will investigate...
Ryan O'Connell
The Catherine H. Beattie Fellowship in Conservation Horticulture
Measuring the Population Response of the Mountain Golden Heather (Hudsonia montana) to Multiple...
Bing Li
The Catherine H. Beattie Fellowship in Conservation Horticulture
Using Genetic Data to Conserve a Rare Plant Species, Oenothera organensis, in New Mexico ...
Michelle DePrenger-Levin
The Catherine H. Beattie Fellowship in Conservation Horticulture
Flexible Seed Harvest Limits for ex-situ Seed Conservation of Rare Plants Michelle...
Michael Kunz
The Catherine H. Beattie Fellowship in Conservation Horticulture
Population Ecology of Astragalus michauxii, a Rare Southeastern US Endemic Species ...
Gavin Shotts
The Catherine H. Beattie Fellowship in Conservation Horticulture
Gavin Shotts is a master’s student in biology at Auburn University. His studies focus on...
Rachel Lyman
The Catherine H. Beattie Fellowship in Conservation Horticulture
Rachel Lyman is a PhD candidate in the Evolution, Ecology, and Population Biology Program at...
Patrick Smallwood
The Catherine H. Beattie Fellowship in Conservation Horticulture
Patrick A. Smallwood is a PhD candidate in the Department of Plant Biology at the University of...
Rachel Becknell
The Catherine H. Beattie Fellowship in Conservation Horticulture
Rachel E. Becknell is a PhD candidate in the Evolution, Ecology, and Population Biology program...
Yasmin Khan
The Catherine H. Beattie Fellowship in Conservation Horticulture
Yasmin A. Khan is a master’s student in biology at Halmos College of Natural Science and...