GCA ScholarshipsMeet the GCA's Scholars
The Corliss Knapp Engle Scholarship in Horticulture
GCA scholars work around the globe in their efforts to pursue and share knowledge. Explore their areas of interest using the directory and by reading the GCA’s annual publication, GCA Scholars Report.
Scholar Directory
Melissa Passik
The Corliss Knapp Engle Scholarship in Horticulture
Insights into Boron Uptake Mechanisms and Metabolism Passik’s research will...
Zoe Baucum
The Corliss Knapp Engle Scholarship in Horticulture
Exploring Genetic Diversity and Conservation Strategies for Endangered Medicinal Plants in...
Jack Bobo
The Corliss Knapp Engle Scholarship in Horticulture
Investigating the Phytotoxic Potential of Engineered Wood Substrates By identifying toxic...
Sam Dudley
The Corliss Knapp Engle Scholarship in Horticulture
Characterizing Root System Architecture Traits for Drought Tolerance in Grapevine Rootstock ...
Landon Erbrick
The Corliss Knapp Engle Scholarship in Horticulture
The Decibel Dynamics of New Technology in Landscape Maintenance Erbrick will test decibels,...
Allyson Gibson
The Corliss Knapp Engle Scholarship in Horticulture
Forest Futures Through Interdisciplinary Strategies Integrating Landscape Architecture into...
Emily Larsen
The Corliss Knapp Engle Scholarship in Horticulture
Integration of Summer Cover Crops and Grafting into Cucumber and Tomato Production Systems ...
Gabriel Olson-Jensen
The Corliss Knapp Engle Scholarship in Horticulture
Development of Red Fleshed Apple Breeding Lines for a Farm Market Breeding Program ...
Adele Woodmansee
The Corliss Knapp Engle Scholarship in Horticulture
Adaptation and Change in the High Atlas Mountains: Learning from Agricultural Landscapes Using...
Nidhi Vinod
The Corliss Knapp Engle Scholarship in Horticulture
Using Physiological and Anatomical Traits to Assess Drought Tolerance of Dominant Palm Trees in...
Joshua Tebow
The Corliss Knapp Engle Scholarship in Horticulture
Evaluating a Process Control Approach to Managing Nutrients in Recirculating Hydroponic Solutions...
Claire Taylor
The Corliss Knapp Engle Scholarship in Horticulture
Creative Documentation of Plants of the Tucson Area Taylor, an artist who develops creative...
Gabriela Sinclair
The Corliss Knapp Engle Scholarship in Horticulture
Investigating Interactions in Drought and Grapevine Trunk Disease Resistance in Grapevine ...
Isabella Borrero
The Corliss Knapp Engle Scholarship in Horticulture
The Role of the Microbiome in Natural Suppression of Pythium-Root Rot in Wood-Fiber Substrates ...
Liesl Bower-Jernigan
The Corliss Knapp Engle Scholarship in Horticulture
Plant Breeding/Molecular Genetics: Research on the Arctic Daisy, Chrysanthemum arcticum ...
Brian Pedersen
The Corliss Knapp Engle Scholarship in Horticulture
Research Engineering at Plenty Unlimited Pedersen supervises the research spaces used by...