The Greatest Need
Gifts to the Greatest Need provide vital, unrestricted support that empowers The Garden Club of America to respond swiftly to emerging opportunities and challenges. Your contribution allows our Executive Board the flexibility to prioritize essential projects and initiatives that can make a real difference in our communities and the environment. Your generosity allows us to further our mission: Bringing clubs together to cultivate the bond among people, plants, and the environment.
I Support the Greatest Need
Contribute Online
Contributing online is the quickest way to send your gift. Complete the form on this page, and your gift will be processed immediately.
Mail, Phone, or Wire
If you prefer to mail a check, please make checks payable to 'The Garden Club of America' and mail to:
The Garden Club of America
Attn: Alison Dolack
14 East 60th Street, 3rd Floor
New York, NY 10022
Please indicate your desired fund option or area of giving in the memo of the check.
If making your gift in honor / memory of someone special, please include that information on an enclosed note. If you also provide a mailing address, we will send a notification of your gift in their name.
By Phone or Wire Transfer
If you prefer to make a credit card donation over the phone or make a wire transfer, please call Alison Dolack at 212-753-8291.
Gift of Stock
The Garden Club of America accepts donations in the form of stock via electronic transfer or regular mail.
Ask your broker to transfer shares using the GCA's DTC number and notify us by contacting Alison Dolack by phone at 212-753-8291 or by email at contribute@gcamerica.org.
Please provide donor name and cost basis.
Depository Trust Company: VANGUARD
DTC#: 0062
Brokerage Account Name: Garden Club of America
Brokerage Account #: 21265982
Planned Giving
As you consider your personal legacy, we invite you to join The Great Oak Society.
Where your gift goes.
Undesignated gifts or gifts to the Area of Greatest Need are available for immediate use and may support any area or initiative related to the mission of The Garden Club of America. Gifts to the designated areas of Civic Improvement, Conservation & Advocacy, Education & Creativity, and Scholarships are available for immediate use and are purpose restricted to efforts pertaining to the selected area. Gifts may be further restricted to a particular fund or to a fund’s endowment at the donor’s request.
The Garden Club of America is a registered 501(c)(3) organization.
Tax ID 13-1626773
For all questions related to contributions to The Garden Club of America, please contact Alison Dolack, Manager, Development and Outreach, at 212-753-8291 or contribute@gcamerica.org
Donors are not publicly recognized but a donor list is published in the members-only version of the GCA's Annual Report each fall. Names are listed as shown on the contribution form or as communicated by the donor. Changes may be requested by emailing contribute@gcamerica.org.
All information concerning prospective and current donors to The Garden Club of America is treated in the strictest confidence by staff and volunteers.