43 States plus the District of Columbia have so far designated April as Native Plant Month
April 17, 2024
By: Lydia Chambers, Vice Chair, Conservation and NAL
After successfully securing Native Plant Month proclamations, resolutions, or laws in 48 states and the District of Columbia in 2023, The Garden Club of America aims to secure all 50 states in the second year of the initiative. As of April 17, 43 states plus the District of Columbia have established a Native Plant Month, with more states reporting every day.
The goal of Native Plant Month Initiative (NPMI) is to increase awareness of the critical role native plants play in supporting a healthy environment, helping wildlife and pollinator populations thrive, reducing the use of pesticides and fertilizers, cleaning air and water, and so much more. As such, this initiative is a cross-discipline collaboration between the Horticulture, Conservation, and National Affairs and Legislation committees of the GCA plus key partners in states without GCA member clubs.
In anticipation of success in 2024, a NPMI Publicity Toolkit was developed to ensure that the initiative is impactful. The 75 project coordinators from across 50 states are using the toolkit to encourage the GCA’s 199 member clubs to plan events and community outreach that will help raise awareness about native plants.
Many states are beginning to lay the groundwork for passing legislation to make Native Plant Month permanent rather than renewing proclamations annually. So far, five states have legislated Native Plant Months: California, Colorado, Ohio, Mississippi, and New Jersey. Based on experience passing laws last year, a NPMI Legislative Toolkit was developed to help project coordinators pursue a Native Plant Month law.
The GCA hopes the NPMI will encourage people across America to plant more native plants in their yards, public spaces, and business properties. This is an important action each of us can take to combat the biodiversity crisis.
To learn more about the initiative, visit or contact for more information.
To read the GCA’s Position Paper on native plants, visit